Love a word we all have spoken of at least once in our life but that's something none might have understood yet, we all know that love is something that might cause an intense level of pain but few of us only know that it can be really beautiful also, people confuse love with physical affection there are a few people that understood that love is not just physicalism.
Today's world is full of so many mentalities that people usually get hundreds of perspectives for a single issue but this is not the issue.
The main problem is that 50 % of the perspectives are wrong and people still believe in those and this is where things go wrong because these perspectives are something one develops from his her experiences and not everybody is gonna have the same experience and that's true psychologically and mathematically too.
So stop believing in others and start to learn with your experiences , because you are the one who can write the most beautiful story for yourself, don't let others control your story, LOVE is something that has both in it a pinch of sadness and a spoon full of happiness so just go on and explore what's your story.


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