Life is different for every person and that's why we have a lot of stories going on in this world, these stories include love stories, struggles, and success but what do you think each story has the end they planned, I guess your answer is no, what we plan is something having the least probability to happen.
So what happens, is there are failures there is pain a hell lot of pain and all these factors make a person to stick a single story that's the reason a person kept on reliving the same moment each day and that's why some stories don't end.
What is the way for someone to get his/her story continues," Do you have any answer?", well this question only has a single answer and that's "MOVE ON ".
MOVE ON, sounds simple but it isn't that easy 50% of people don't succeed in this and the rest 50 % is the one who struggles and goes through an intense level of pain, but in the end, they get what they want or even better than that.
What happens to those who don't let go or who don't move on yeah they hurt themselves, every one of you must have played tug of war, and you might know sometime when we hold tight it hurts more than letting it go,
so learn from your mistakes and don't let the past hold you back.
“You can't look back - you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future.”
by: Prateek Kumar Verma
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