Well, a question with a separate answer for everyone, yeah that's true if you ask "Have you Moved on ?" to someone who has suffered a loss of a friend or a lover, they all will give you a different answer, some will say that, "YES", Some will, say "Trying", But deep down, every one of those, is still trying to figure out that what happened, why the person just left them, why they couldn't continue to have that connection anymore.
Well, I almost spent a year figuring out this question, and I found that it wasn't my fault that the person left me they wanted more, which I suppose wasn't me, they weren't happy with what they had, they wanted me to change, those people were directly or indirectly trying to mold me into something they desire, and what repelled them from me was my resistance, because I wanted to be something more, but not different, and that was the instance when it all changed suddenly, and I unknowingly moved on because I got the reason, but the question, that "Can we forget them " is still unanswered, and my answer for this is that even if we have bad memories, or even if they are the good one, we can't forget them but what we can do is, move on.

I looked up for you, everywhere,
I walked for you, the long distances,
or the dark paths, I dint think twice,
because you were the star who was guiding me
so what happened, why it all went dark,
why that little source of my light faded,
why you didn't turn back at me,
you knew, I always turned back, 
it was me who lend you a hand, 
then why, did you left,  and never looked back,
I knew you desired a lot different,
but I never was against it, I was changing myself,
but you weren't satisfied, but still, I was holding it tight,
but then I realized, I can't  be the one you want 
and that thought started to haunt 
and, instead of answering my questions,
you started to ask more,
you asked "why did you let me go,
if you knew it, all the way through,
well here is it, I didn't, I will never, 
it's you who  pushed me away, you are moving far
and you think it's me, and I just realized that,
and now it all makes sense, I will not force you,
because I tried my best, but I can wish you the best.
And that's it, this how it all ends.


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