Self Motivation : You have it in
There are 7 days in a week and each day is full of surprises, and in these days we all have different tasks or simply different goals to achieve, also we know life is like a game with each day as a new level, but how all these people manage to do all those tasks by themselves, it is a question of great importance. Like games, there are hurdles in life, but they are in the form of people who are constantly dragging you down, stopping you, or in other words, demotivating you.
So after all these facts, the question is that from where do we get that drag to move through all this mess, how we get through all those people who are questioning our ability, well one thing can be sure that someone's motivating speech is not enough, because the swamp of these filthy people is so dense that only a single force is not enough, to pull us out, so what is it that is coming from inside, it has to be from inside because when we are surrounded with negativity then that's actually the prove, that's shouting that you are positive because as chemistry, mathematics and even physics says, that negative is always attracted towards the positive, and that's a well stated and proven fact, you can check your books if you want 😜.
And that force coming from inside you is none other than, what we call self-motivation, not everyone has known the fact that we are capable of doing whatever we want if we are self-motivated, and if you are in such a pit hole where you are surrounded with "THE NEGATIVES " then what you need is to find something powerful enough to make your adrenaline glands active and making your body to ride that adrenaline rush, and then try to focus that energy on the task that you are supposed to be doing.
Well, the source of that rush can differ for everyone, it may be a comfortable future for someone, or parents' happiness, or maybe your partner, or simply just your happiness is enough for causing the act of self-motivation.
I was sleeping, a dreamful sleep
suddenly someone tapped my shoulder
I woke up, looked around,
it was my brain, staring at me,
he asked me, who are you,
I said a human, he made a face,
shot another question at me,
he asked, what's your worth,
I said I don't know,
he laughed and said then who will
he gave me a stare and said.
you had a lot to do , you have a lot left in you
go in front of the mirror,
and ask yourself what you want to do,
everything made sense,
it was like someone was hitting me
hitting with the bricks, known as the truth blocks,
now it was my turn I asked the questions,
the first few words came out of me,
were what to do, the second was
how to do,
he said, you already know what you have to do,
you also know how to do,
what you need to know is how to start,
how to get over this backlog,
created by all those negatives,
that are dragging you,
I asked again but how can I be over all this,
he said , close your eyes, and imagine,
I said that's your job, you are my brain,
he laughed, and said just listen,
won't you be happy if you are good at everything,
won't your parents be happy to see you successful,
won't your lover, your other family be glad,
with the fact that you are successful,
I sid, yes, he stated, these are enough reasons,
I replied for, what,
he said these are enough reasons,
that should give you sufficient strength,
to overcome those all negatives,
and be successful
I agreed to all that,
and there was another tap on my shoulder
i turned around and blinked and as open my eyes,
it was my mom, she smiled,
and I knew that the dream has ended,
and now I also knew what I have to do,
how to do, and when to do,
I stood up, walked to the mirror,
and shout out loud, I am motivated,
then a voice in my head said, "SELF MOTIVATED"
Good Work ... daddy is proud of ya !!